Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Book 14 of Men of the Border Lands Available September 19!

Quick update for those still around. Book 14 has a name!  Their New Beginning  I'm working on the edits right now and it's scheduled to be released September 19th. That's a Monday y'all so don't forget me.

And, just for you, I asked for a busty, cushy heroine. Does she look better than normal? Tell me what you think. I'll post an excerpt this weekend. For now, here is a blurb for you.

Abby wants a safe place to make a home. She’s been duped into joining a community once but there’s safety in numbers. Now she’s on a quest to find the one she’s heard about in the Border Lands.
Harry and his sister are also looking for a safe place. Harry is worried about his sister. When Thad joins them, Harry believes his chances with Abby are gone.
Thad knows how dangerous it is now and has no problem sharing Abby with Thad to assure her safety, if the man would just agree. He knows Harry is worried about his sister, but Thad doesn’t want to wait until Harry makes up his mind.
Would Harry and Thad be the men to provide a home for her? First they have to agree to share her. Then they need to work together to keep her safe. Neither man wants to wait until they reach the promised land to make her theirs.

That's all for now, peeps. Thank you for sticking around while I tended to my family. I'm back and ready to rock and roll!

Marla Monroe