Friday, April 26, 2019

New Book and Warmer Weather

Love the sunshine. I've always said that I'm solar powered. You know, like those little bobbing animals you get at the dollar store. I perish during the winter months when it's overcast and flourish during the summer months with the sun.

Right now I'm sitting at the computer doing edits and itching to work on book 20 of The Border Lands. Once I finish edits I'll get to write all about Amanda, the third sister and her fate. Speaking of the Border Lands, book 19 is now on pre-order. You can get it HERE  

Lucille is ready for her own family and hopes Ty and Jeff are the men to make that happen. Ty and Jeff are immediately attracted to her and hope she is the woman for them. When they approach her, she is receptive, and they see their future in her eyes. Can they make a go of it? They certainly plan to try.
Lucille returns to their home with them and quickly jumps in to the daily routine of keeping the place going while they work out on the farm. When someone tries to kidnap her, she realizes that there are other dangers to consider outside of starving or disease.
The men vow to keep her safe and one of them remains near her at all times from then on. Once again the future seems bright for all of them and the promise of a family forms on the horizon as Lucille makes an announcement that gives them all hope.

For all my Amazon buyers, you can now find the following available there now.
Her Mountain Family   HERE
Her Mountain Ménage  HERE
Their Forever Love  HERE

I'll keep you up to date on what's out there on Amazon as I find it. They don't let me know when it comes out. I find out by checking each day. I get all excited when I see it pop up!

So, a quick story about one of my feline muses. Maggie the fierce started snarling and hissing and throwing a major temper tantrum at the backdoor the other night. I went to see what she was all upset about and found that I had two raccoons eating the food I'd left out for the stray cat that eats here. Looks like I have more to feed than one stray cat. I have a raccoon family as well.

The raccoons didn't appear the least worried about Maggie. They just stood on their hind legs and stared back at her then sat down and began shoveling food into their mouths with their hands. Cute things, but there were quite large. Larger than any of my muses. And that's saying something as Bella is pushing twelve plus pounds.  

Hope you have a great weekend out there. Enjoy the sun if you have it and soak up that Vitamin D!

Marla Monroe

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